Friday, December 7, 2012

Tina Modotti's Style

 The lighting of the photograph gives off an emphasis on the ball of string. The ball of string represents the strength from many to create something strong.
 The open bottle has a clear glean to it, drawing your eye to it. The underside of the table and the open bottle represent the discarding of things that are no longer of use to us, almost ignorant of what is under the table.
 The mouse has a similar glean to that of the sickle Tina took in her photos. Much like in her photos a glean creates a sort of revolutionary, cutting-edge feeling with the object.
 A fallen king, much like how Tina wanted to topple the current regime in Mexico.
 An oddity among others, the reduced lighting makes the plastic bag blend in more than it sticks out.
 Waste, a subject Tina would dislike very much due to her Commuinist background. The use of shadowing in the back gives an infinite feeling to the stack of bricks as you can't see where they end.
 Out of place, the ball sticks out like a sore thumb with its harsh white color under a somewhat dim background. It has the same sort of striking feeling as Modotti tries to get across.
Between a rock and a hard place, the leaf is almost obscured by the brighter colors of the rocks. It represents the seemingly gigantic forces that crush individuals, something that is overlooked when studying them.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Innonce of a Cone

 Another Monday morning Mr. Cone heads off to work.

 10:00 AM Mr. Cone is already hard at work, keeping the normal drivers away.
 Sometimes he has close calls with the local drivers.
 But its nothing compared to the job of his father.
After getting off work, Mr. Cone hangs out with his friend.
Mr. Cone turns in for the night at around 11:00 PM.

I like the tanks and Mr. Cone's view of it as an easy job. The irony is that what he is doing is much more dangerous than that of the bigger cone. It really brings out the simplicity and innocence I try to bring out in the story.

Monday, October 15, 2012


Welcoming face.
 Taken Aback.
 Far Off.
 He's aware that Im here.
Back into the abyss.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Light Painting

 Lightning with strange lights around.
Hidden Faces with outward lights.
Strange reflections of colors in the air.
Table reflection is very organic. Almost like a creature is standing there.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Motion Blur

 Picture of a cardboard flower, you can see the motion of the flower in the liter tones of yellow. The color creates a magenta purple in the background.
 Blurred picture of a car on California street. I like this because the shadows (especially on the car) gives an old fashioned cartoon-like feeling.
 The blur of the blue flower, gives a ghostly trail of where it once was.
The colors and blur describe what the sign says.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Depth through Repitition

The bushes get smaller with the increasing distance between them and the camera.

Generic trash cans look tiny from far away.

Each chain link gets bigger as they come closer even culminating in the hydrant hinge.

Another chain picture, yet the chain seems to be in an impossible position.

Depth through Foreground Background

The front figures are much closer as brought out by the blurred background.

The leaves in the middle seem to be on their own plain due to the blur in the front and back.

The lone plant sticks out on the barren rocks, the bricks are almost hard to focus on due to blur.

The Flowers are much closer than the people in the back. Their curves have more character than the people in the back!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Leading Lines

As the spokes of the wheel get farther away the get shorter and shorter.

As the pillars get farther away they get shorter and shorter. 

Similarly to the car wheel the closest spoke is much longer than the farther ones

Each hole in the table acts as a line of perspective getting smaller as they go farther.

The plants act as lines of perspective the closer one being twice the size as the back one.

Leaf acting as a line of perspective as they get smaller farther away.
A very deceiving picture, the first thing you notice is the blurring of the church. Naturally the leading lines of thing lines of the church draws your eyes upwards, to what should be the sky. They lead right to cloud like murky water, which takes you to the revealing factor in the picture, the leaf at the bottom of the puddle.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Rule of Thirds

On a table, a coke bottle and a bag

On California Street

Leaves in the Gutter

From the Bushes

The Rule of Thirds applies to the man in the photo who is a little left of the bottom right gridline. The picture balances this by having the traffic lights and cars on the right third, and the street on the left.