Friday, May 17, 2013

Favorite Photos

I really like this picture, because of all the chaos and disorganization. The multiple lines give a feel of something big and ominous, yet simple if you look closely. The Vertigo like rotation combined with the think layers of colors give off a feeling of being trapped like in a spider's web.
Another good use of blurring, I really liked the very crisp way the colors turned it. It worked really nicely with the way I was trying to do a vacuum of color towards the sun.
I had been trying to find a photo of something where the colors mixed well to do this. It really does have a ghost-like aura around it due to the similar coloration with the background.
Much like the next picture its just, so striking how much we pay attention to the subject in the picture. It doesn't at all seem like we pay attention to the little crack on the bottom left, or the splotchy coloring on the bottom right.
This picture goes in a similar direction to the previous, but instead showcases the narrow mind through making it truly narrow. We only become interested when it is not there.
Coloration is so good when the colors mix. Maybe the blue just overpowers everything else, but it makes the photo such a joy in terms of blending colors.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Nother Series

The flowers that are blurred make it look more like chrysanthemum or rose by creating a layer and depth to the picture.

The pictures which have been layered are actually of me walking forward, This is deceiving as the feet all seem to be in same position only altered in which foot is forward.

The I's seem to be coming towards you, and the whole picture exudes movement. I might just be me but, at times, when I try and read the text the lines start moving and giving me a headache.

Usually photos like this are crop by adding the crops onto one photo. But I choose to experiment with a motion picture, snapping one every couple of steps. What we get is an interesting mix of a motion picture and the traditional storyboard cuts.

When I first saw this I initial wanted to do a bright day time shot. The original goals was kind of a vertigo feel. But as I was editing it I noticed the power lines and dense colors in the center. This was only emphasized when I darkened the image giving it an ominous look. I had a hard time going for this Gothic look over a black white image which would make it look like a spider's web.

Another interesting movement picture in that as they walk they place there feet flat done in some cases. Making it look more like a hopping motion

This was taken in a more traditional stop motion kind of animation. I stood in one spot as they started walking and almost leaving the picture before turning in the last frame

The whole picture is just so off with the buildings on the top and the rotating boxes of tangerines, I was trying to go for that wierd sort of upside-down feeling.

The most interesting thing about these frame by frame pictures is that you get a different perspective on exactly the same thing. The minor details or major give it a sense of being alive, and in the now as opposed to being a snapshot of the moment.

People walking up the step and an interesting intruder from the left