Friday, December 7, 2012

Tina Modotti's Style

 The lighting of the photograph gives off an emphasis on the ball of string. The ball of string represents the strength from many to create something strong.
 The open bottle has a clear glean to it, drawing your eye to it. The underside of the table and the open bottle represent the discarding of things that are no longer of use to us, almost ignorant of what is under the table.
 The mouse has a similar glean to that of the sickle Tina took in her photos. Much like in her photos a glean creates a sort of revolutionary, cutting-edge feeling with the object.
 A fallen king, much like how Tina wanted to topple the current regime in Mexico.
 An oddity among others, the reduced lighting makes the plastic bag blend in more than it sticks out.
 Waste, a subject Tina would dislike very much due to her Commuinist background. The use of shadowing in the back gives an infinite feeling to the stack of bricks as you can't see where they end.
 Out of place, the ball sticks out like a sore thumb with its harsh white color under a somewhat dim background. It has the same sort of striking feeling as Modotti tries to get across.
Between a rock and a hard place, the leaf is almost obscured by the brighter colors of the rocks. It represents the seemingly gigantic forces that crush individuals, something that is overlooked when studying them.